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Our School

Ōtūmoetai Intermediate School is a decile 7 school located in the north of Tauranga City. This area is not only one of the fastest growing areas of the city, but also represents a diverse range of cultural groups. Over the past five years the city has experienced dynamic change through rapid and continued population growth. The roll of our school sits around 900 students.

The staff, pupils and community are driven by a desire for excellence. A special feature of the school is the strong parental support it receives and a commitment by everyone involved towards giving each pupil a quality education.

The school’s current focus is on developing a learning partnership between students and their teachers throughout each classroom, enabling each pupil to be able to articulate the following questions:

What am I learning and why?

How do I know how well I am doing?

How am I going towards achieving my learning goals?

Where to next?

A significant aspect of this focus is the expectation of continuous improvement in all that we do. That is students, teachers and the school generally. Change has been ongoing and dynamic with the school site extensively redeveloped over the past few years.

Emphasis is on achieving a positive learning environment. The staff and community believe “If the students are happy they’ll be able to learn. If the staff are happy they’ll be better teachers.” Our community works hard to foster this approach and ensure our students become life-long learners.

We are a school where

Students experience high levels of success, variety and enjoyment in their learning. Students achieve well at this high performing school.

A settled and harmonious environment exists that contributes to positive student learning and a sense of wellbeing and belonging. High quality teaching is prevalent across the school. Respectful, reciprocal relationships are a feature of teacher – student interactions across the school.

The great majority of students make significant progress over their two years at the school.

Most students including Māori and Pacifica meet or exceed the national standards in literacy and numeracy by the end of year 8.
