We place a high priority on providing a safe, positive learning environment. Students who choose to ignore our school rules are given a firm message that this behaviour will not be tolerated. Team Leaders, Deputy Principals and the Principal provide support for all staff members as required. On occasions where difficulties persist, parents and caregivers will be contacted and actions taken for the wellbeing of all students. Consequences for students who consistently disrupt classes or are a threat to other students may include:
- Removal from the class or playground (in-school suspension).
- Time out (Restricted Students Room).
- Parents requested to take their child home during lunchtimes.
- Parents asked to sit in with their child in class.
- Formal stand down.
- Suspension.
- Suspension and exclusion from the school.
The Principal and Deputy Principals reserve the right to carry out searches of student bags where there is a strong reason to do so for the health and safety of all students. Examples of this would be where there is reason to believe a student has brought to school an item or substance that may be harmful to themselves or other students and school property.