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We place a high priority on providing a safe, positive learning environment. Students who choose to ignore our school rules are given a firm message that this behaviour will not be tolerated. Team Leaders, Deputy Principals and the Principal provide support for all staff members as required. On occasions where difficulties persist, parents and caregivers will be contacted and actions taken for the wellbeing of all students. Consequences for students who consistently disrupt classes or are a threat to other students may include:

  • Removal from the class or playground (in-school suspension).
  • Time out (Restricted Students Room).
  • Parents requested to take their child home during lunchtimes.
  • Parents asked to sit in with their child in class.
  • Formal stand down.
  • Suspension.
  • Suspension and exclusion from the school.

The Principal and Deputy Principals reserve the right to carry out searches of student bags where there is a strong reason to do so for the health and safety of all students. Examples of this would be where there is reason to believe a student has brought to school an item or substance that may be harmful to themselves or other students and school property.

Public Health Nurse

A Public Health Nurse is employed by Pacific Health in the “Well Child Team”. This team consists of Public Health Nurses, Vision and Hearing Technicians and Ear Nurses. Health Nurses may work with individual children, young people or with families. The concerns that students and/or parents/caregivers may have could include:

  • Vision and Hearing.
  • Behavioural.
  • Emotional and Social.
  • Physical.
  • Nutrition and Diet.
  • Medical Problems.

Referral is made through classroom teachers. Confidentiality is guaranteed for the student unless their own or other person’s physical, sexual or emotional safety is compromised as defined in the Children, Young Persons and their Families Act 1989, Section 14. In this situation, and in consultation with the student, procedures outlined in the document ‘CTPS Breaking the Cycle Interagency Protocols for Child Abuse Management 1996′ will be followed. The Public Health Nurse may have to disclose information relating to a student if they are legally required to do so. The student will be made aware of this. These two services are used by many students in our school and assist them to deal with personal issues effectively.

School Rules

These are minimal and reflect the values of our community. These will be fully explained to the students. We believe in the obligation to conduct oneself with courtesy and restraint, and to foster a caring/sharing attitude towards one another.

All students are expected to:

  • Show courtesy and respect to all staff, other students and the general public.
  • Show consideration towards others.
  • Listen to and follow instructions provided to them by staff.
  • Behave in a safe and hygienic manner.
  • Wear the correct school uniform at all times.
  • Show respect for school and other students’ property.

Unacceptable Behaviours Include:

  • Swearing at other students or staff.
  • Violent or intimidating behaviour.
  • Ignoring staff requests.
  • Spitting.
  • Wearing non – school uniform items.
  • Damaging school or other students’ property.
  • Writing graffiti on school property and personal clothing.
  • Theft.
  • Leaving classrooms or school grounds without permission.
  • Bringing cigarettes, lighters or other unsafe items and substances to school.
  • Chewing gum, lollies, fizzy drinks and energy drinks are banned at our school.

Parents should note that on enrolment they accept the rules and bylaws of the school as detailed in this booklet and school policies. This is a condition for your child’s continuing participation in our school.

Student Welfare

We place a high priority on providing a safe, positive learning environment. Students who choose to ignore our school rules are given a firm message that this behaviour will not be tolerated. Team Leaders, Deputy Principals and the Principal provide support for all staff members as required. On occasions where difficulties persist, parents and caregivers will be contacted and actions taken for the wellbeing of all students. Consequences for students who consistently disrupt classes or are a threat to other students may include:

  • Removal from the class or playground (in-school suspension).
  • Time out (Restricted Students Room).
  • Parents requested to take their child home during lunchtimes.
  • Parents asked to sit in with their child in class.
  • Formal stand down.
  • Suspension.
  • Suspension and exclusion from the school.

The Principal and Deputy Principals reserve the right to carry out searches of student bags where there is a strong reason to do so for the health and safety of all students. Examples of this would be where there is reason to believe a student has brought to school an item or substance that may be harmful to themselves or other students and school property.



The school has a range of interventions to support students and whānau. These include our Student Support Worker, access to CAMHS Clinicians through the Ōtūmoetai Kāhui Ako and referrals to external services such as Public Health Nurses, MOE and Oranga Tamariki.
