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Parents and caregivers are reminded that, except in cases of illness, they are required to ensure their child attends school on the days it is open. It is a school policy to ask parents/caregivers to contact the school before 9:00 am to advise if a child will be absent on that day. If an absence is to keep an appointment during school time, a note should be brought in or emailed to the teacher before the event.

Staff members are expected to keep a close check on pupils’ absences and parents/caregivers will be phoned at home, or their place of employment, if no advice has been received for an absence. All unexplained absences will be referred to the School’s Attendance Officer who will follow up with the child’s parents/caregivers.

It is important that we are kept informed about any telephone, address or custody changes during the year as situations sometimes arise when we have to make contact with parents or an emergency contact person.

If a pupil is injured at school or falls ill during the school day, we will contact the parent/caregiver (or a nominated relative or friend) to come to the school to collect the child. If no contact can be made, the school will act on behalf of the parent/caregiver.

If your child is not attending school or arriving late, please let the school know via the following options:

Please include your name, your child’s name and room number and a brief reason for their absence in your message. If they are going to be away for longer that one day, please also include this in your message.

Late arrivals will need to sign in at the Resource Room.
