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Ōtūmoetai Intermediate School staff are excited about the opportunities that a Bring Your Own Chromebook (BYOC) approach offers our students. We recognise that the world is changing and that opportunities for different learning methods have been created through the rapid development in ICT worldwide. In the 21st century, E-Learning is becoming fundamental to enabling this vision.

We wish to create a more accessible, diverse, and dynamic learning environment for Ōtūmoetai Intermediate School students, one that reflects the world we live in.

There are many advantages for students bringing their own ICT devices to support their educational needs. A student-owned internet capable device can be an important part of a student’s educational toolkit, providing them with instant access to unlimited resources and enabling them to support, extend, communicate and share their learning in a way that will prepare them for the future.

Some advantages of BYOC include:

  • Anytime, anywhere access to class resources, support and extension activities through Google Apps for Education.
  • The ability to develop digital folders and work for their classes (that can’t be lost, are always accessible and never need replacing) through cloud computing.
  • Being able to develop a portfolio of student learning using cloud applications.
  • An increased ability to communicate and interact with teachers, parents and peers electronically to support their learning.
  • Anytime, anywhere access to unlimited educational resources and information on the internet.
  • The ability to collaborate with other students in real-time.
  • Allowing students to become active partners in their learning.
  • Enabling students to enter and explore new learning environments, overcoming barriers of distance and time, facilitate shared learning by enabling students to join or create communities of learners that extend well beyond the classroom.
  • The creation of supportive differentiated learning environments by offering resources that take account of individual, cultural, or developmental differences.
  • Enhancing opportunities to learn by offering students virtual experiences and tools that save them time and allowing them to take their learning further.

We encourage all students to bring their own Chromebook to school and we have a goal that all year 8 students will have their own Chromebooks.

Where students do not wish to bring their own devices, they are able to access our school computers and Chromebooks as part of the school curriculum. Any software or applications used on the school devices are provided at no cost to students. Students who choose not to
bring their own device will be able to carry out the same functions on school computers and Chromebooks as other students who have their own device by liaising with their teacher.

Where students do wish to bring their own device to school, they will be able to access the school wireless network from any class they are placed in. Students bringing their own device do so for the purpose of learning. They are able to research on the internet in class on their
personal device, carry out interviews, create videos and other applications, use the device as a calculator and to access their work online. The reason students choose to bring their own device is for the convenience of access and having a personalised device available exclusively for their own use all of the time.

We offer students access to a range of learning support programmes such as Word chain, Read & Write, Mangahigh and our digital library. By having their own Chromebooks with head phones, students can maximise their learning from these applications funded by the school.

Please note: In all classes, Chromebooks are used in a blended learning situation where 50% of a student’s time may be spent using the device for creative production with access to the internet. The other 50% is used blending in paper-based tasks such as writing, forming
mathematics algorithms, oral activities and other creative tasks where a device is not necessarily the best tool for learning.

There are no fees charged for devices brought into the school by students and they will be assisted to connect to the school ICT network.

In all BYOC situations, the school will take all care but no responsibility for the care and security of devices brought into the school. All classes will be locked when students are out of the room. Insurance of the device will be the responsibility of the student and their family.

Many local retailers are providing educational pricing and there will be a number of specials offered leading up to the Christmas holidays. Many retailers also offer finance options where families are able to pay off their device over a period of time. Where we feel a supplier is offering a good deal for our parents we will pass on their details through our school website and newsletter.

Laptops and Other Tablets:

Android devices have historically been difficult for customers at times. Windows and Apple devices are generally easier to work with, however, some cheaply made PC laptops have poor wireless cards, so have unreliable wireless. We do not recommend laptop computers or
Tablets and will not provide any technical support for non-Chromebook devices.

Cell Phones

Student cell phones are only permitted at school if permission is given for health and safety reasons. Parents may email the principal to request permission for their child to have a cell phone at school. At school, all student cell phones must be handed to their teacher for storage in the class safe. The school has strong protocols for the use of devices at school. An exemption will be given to students with medical conditions that require electronic monitoring throughout the day.
